
外酥內軟的印度麵包~How to make Naan Bread

昨天雨下很大, 風也吹的兇, 而且很冷, 所以待在家裡打包東西~ @@ 在打包過程中看到一本從二手店買來的舊食譜(2004年), 所以翻丫翻, 阿蘭看到了 Naan Bread 的做法, 這是每次去吃印度餐必點的麵包, 超市也有賣, 這啟發了想做咖哩的想法, 於是今天做了巴基斯坦的薑黃咖哩雞和很塔配的Naan Bread.

Naan bread is a popular choice to serve with curry or as the base for a contemporary sandwich.

舊食譜上是8張的量, 但是我不想吃那麼多, 所以我把量減半, 如果你要一次做8張, 下面的量再乘2即可.^^(註:1tsp=1茶匙=3g)

材料(Ingredient Makes 4): 牛奶(milk)90cc, 酵母(active yeast)1 tsp, 糖(sugar)1 tsp, 中筋麵粉(standard flour)1.5cups or 190g, 泡打粉(baking powder)0.5tsp, 鹽(salt) 0.5 tsp, 蛋半顆(egg)25cc(about half), 無糖優格(unsweetened yoghurt) 30cc(about 2Tabs), 沙拉油(oil) 15cc (about 1Tabs)

step1.將牛奶溫微熱一下(25度C左右即可), 糖和酵母放下去, 等15分鐘, 直到它起泡泡.

Heat the milk until just lukewarm. sprinkle the yeast and sugar over. Leave for 15mins or until the mixture is frothy.

step2. 篩過乾性材料(麵粉,泡打粉,鹽),然後將混合好的濕性材料(蛋,優格,油)倒入乾性材料中,用手或調理機等完整混合兩者材料, 然後將已發泡的Step1倒入, 接著將它揉麵團蓋上濕布做發酵約放1小時, 漲約兩倍大即可.下圖我是用麵包機去做, 快速省時喔!!
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. beat the egg, yoghurt and oil together. Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the yest mixture and the yoghurt mixture. Combine well.
Turn the dough out on to a board and knead for 10mins. Place in a greased bowl and turn over once. Cover and leave in a warm place for about 1hrs or until the dough has doubled in size. Turn out and knead for 2-3 mins.

時間到了, 我的麵包機會自動揉麵和醒麵, 下圖已經是兩倍大囉,摸起好軟喔, 可以開始做了喔~~
I used my bread maker to knead and rise the dough. It was save time and energy. I love my bread maker!!^^

step3. 將發好的麵團切成四等份
Cut the dough into four even-sized pieces.

step4. 將每份麵份整型成水滴形或平狀,如下圖
Roll each piece out to a 25cm piece and form in to a tear shape.

step5. 將整形好的麵團放烤箱用200度預熱, 烤約1-2分鐘, 要翻面喔.
Cook under a hot grill for 1min. Turn and grill the other side of the bread. Continue cooking the remaining bread.
烤好囉~~外酥內軟的麵包好囉, 趕快沾一下咖哩來吃, 好好吃喔(泣~~)

Data source from NZ Woman's weekly Easy as 123 by Robyn Martin

