
How to make tofu at home (English edition)

I made tofu few days ago and I shared it with my friends in New Zealand. Today one of my friend who also ate my tofu too.
She called me this afternoon and told me she likes it. I was so happy to hear that and she wants know how to make tofu so I decided post English edition of how to make tofu for her and also for other friends.

Ingredient: dry soybean 300g, water 2100cc, tofu coagulator 3g (ex.nigari), extra water 60cc. 

Before making tofu you have to prepare all ingredient and tool kits first.

Ex. Plastics bought from Plastic Box, Make sure what size, shape you like and cut a hard flat board triming it suit for cover as picture shows below.

step1: Before soaking soybeans washing them 2-3 times and soaking them overnight. (about 8-10hrs)

step2. After 8-10 hours sifting them away from water and don't keep the soaked water.

step3. Making soy milk. My blender very samll so I spent 3 times make soy milk. Every time was 1/3 soybeans and 700cc water.  (broken soybeans to small pieces as small as possible, it will take about 2.5 mins every time.)

step4. Sifting job. Using cheese cloth to separate liquid from soybean and squeezing it as dry as possible.( don't waste any drops of liquid)

Step5. Boiling soy milk. Pouring the liquid in to a cleaned pot and boiling it until bubbling and turn down the heat cooking about another 10 mins. while cooking soymilk you have to stir it frequently otherwise it will scorch easily.


step6. Mixing tofu coagulator 3g with water 60cc well and pouring it to a higher cleaned pot first then waitting soy milk cool down about 85-90 degree and pouring the soy milk from higher position to the pot.

step7. After 15mins, the tofu like this form as picture shows below.

step8. Broken them to small pieces and putting them to the model as picture showes below.(model has to cover the cheese cloth first)

step9. After finished, cover the top using the rest part of cheese cloth and using a hard flat board to cover it and pressing it with two bricks on it.

step10. Press at least 40mins, then remove bricks and uncover the cheese cloth and carefully move it into water.

^^ Touf is done!! cutting it in half and keep tofu under the water and in the fridge all the time, if you don't eat it immediately change the soak water of tofu everyday. best to eat when it is freash!!

